Friday 30 May 2014

Title: *Meaningful Contribution

Title: *RED ADVENTURINE* Light Orb /Spiritual Gift Box - from Set painted by Rev.Bola
I do not have to change jobs to do my life's work. 
I can make a meaningful contribution in any job I have, in whatever role I play, for in any job I can focus on how I am helping people; I can spread good feelings and touch everyone I contact with my inner light. 
I do not need to have a job or even be in business to be doing my life's work. I can express my life's work through community activities or hobbies. I may be raising a family as my life's work, helping to guide my children's life-force energy into a higher order. When I fill my life with meaningful activity, I radiate joy and love and I am magnetic to abundance.
Posted by Rev.Bola

Monday 17 March 2014

Title: *Satisfying Work

I can have fulfilling, satisfying work. 
I can feel alive every day of my life and make money in the process. 
I can work in a supportive environment, around people I enjoy, doing what I love. As I use my special skills and talents, 
I can draw to me the opportunities to make money in ways that allow me full self-expression, ways that challenge and stimulate me. As I do what I love, I enrich the lives of the people around me and add more light to the world. In doing my life's work I am accomplishing what I came to earth to do.
Posted by Rev.Bola

Friday 28 February 2014

Tltle: *Wealth Keys - Set 1

Money does not come just to special people, 
people with a given talent or an inborn skill. 
Within me are all the answers and talents I need to create unlimited abundance for myself, to have what I need both physically and spiritually in every area of my life.

Posted by Rev.Bola
Christians Victorious Fellowship - Int