Thursday 20 October 2011

Title: 'Prosperity and Being In The Moment'

Title: 'FINANCIAL VICTORY'/Mx - Visual Prayer Art by Rev.Bola A

I was recently listening to an amazing presentation by 'The World Transformation Movement'
when a life transforming cognition caught my attention. I found myself asking why it was that I could not be completely content with my entire lot in life, right now in the present moment. I began to look around my home at all of my possessions. How many beautiful objects I had accumulated, and how each and everyone of these items had served me. I became acutely aware that I had so many treasures; some of them I had not even touched for months, they needed to be dusted off. There were books, CDs, dresses, shoes, all sorts of gadgets, electrical and electronic equipment, TV sets, CD players, computers, lamps, fans, heaters. Then there was my dresser covered in make up, lotions, potions, perfumes, creams of all kinds.

Then I looked at my accessories, jewellery of all kinds, belts, ribbons, hair decorations, hats, scarves, stockings, etc the list was endless. I owned so much great stuff. I had a whole house all to myself. A kitchen full of utensils, a fridge and freezer full of food. I looked over at all the different musical instruments I owned; keyboards, drums of all shapes, guitars, various percussion instruments, even a beat box I recently bought. then my eyes went to my home altar with all my sacred objects on it. Then the thought struck me. 'How could I possibly believe that I was lacking in anything, or unsatisfied in any way owning all these beautiful things?

How could I not know I was rich, prosperous and very blessed? How could I not be completely and utterly satisfied with everything that I had accomplished so far? How could I not feel myself incredibly wealthy? I mean all my bills were paid, I had only recently been out for dinner at one of my favourite restaurants, and had stopped at my local shopping mall to buy myself a whole new set of personal gifts including my favourite color mascara, and some brand new music sheets and CDs. As I considered all this I began to understand who truly rich and wealthy I already was. I did have everything I needed materially to live well and more. How could I not feel rich, how could I not feel content. It was an amazing realisation.

I had been giving myself such a hard time lately comparing my life to celebrities constantly in the news, and wondering why I didn't have the millions in the bank and all the success that they had. God knows I deserved it just as much as any of them. But as I looked around at what I did have, I began to really appreciate how wealthy I actually was. There is a constant sense of peace and tranquility that permeates my home, which is constantly filled with prayers and loving gestures. I realised that all my prayers for prosperity were and had been answered. I was and I am indeed very prosperous. I even had the lovely little garden I had once prayed for.

It really dawned on me, just how easy it can be to lose sight of how blessed one is by shuffling along with the herd collective agreement about lack and poverty, or not being good enough, or rich enough, or successful enough, etc..etc.. But the real question for me is 'enough for who exactly'? The Loving Creative Source of the Universe has always provided for my every need, and has been doing so non-stop all the days of my life. I began to consider carefully and deliberately, all of my varied life experiences, the different ways I had been enjoying myself whether alone or in the company of others. I thought of the people I'd known who had made a difference in my life, the places where I'd been with their endearing tales attached. More recently I even had the good fortune of travelling by first class fares on a number of occasions, and getting VIP treatment.

Yes there had been challenges in my life, some of them painfuln and I would not want to relive them, but lessons were learnt and great opportunities for growth, for me as a conscious being, were also encountered. Right then, I could not even remember the last time I had a major altracation or argument with anyone, because most of my recent communications with people were extremely entertaining, and so much of my life was and is very emotionally rewarding. I thought that, 'here I was in the present, surrounded by so many positive things, and experiences, how could I not feel rich, prosperous and wealthy?'

So what was really going on here? What hidden standard was I attempting to appease?
I had a moment of enlightenment, an acute realisation indeed, that I did not have to own millions of pounds in the bank tofeel wealthy, and to be rich financially, I actually only needed to have less going out than was coming in, and to have more assets than liabilities, and to tithe regularly.  And I had already achieved all that for myself. It was really that simple, and anything else was just added unnecessary complexity.  I realised that I had actually reached a state of prosperity, but I had questioned it by buying into other people's notions, and society's myths about financial wealth, which were not true for me and my own life.

Whose definition of prosperity was I living by? Whose definition of satisfaction was I living by? Wow! I suddenly realised that I had been granted the contentment and satisfaction I had requested prayerfully. I had already been granted prosperity. I had been given all that I really needed to have a great life. I am so sorry I didn't see it that clearly before now. I do already have a great life. I am already very rich and prosperous. I have already been healed by God on many levels. My prayers have all been answered. I am dearly loved. I do have all the support I need for my life. I have no lack. I guess maybe I just needed to have that more fully acknowledged. I don't need to ever go back into feeling insecure or not wealthy enough in life ever again. I am totally blessed, and therefore I am nothing but a blessing to others, and I hold myself firmly now to that awareness. Praise the living God! Praise the living God!

Peace, Love and Light

Monday 3 October 2011

Title: 'It struck me like a bolt of lightning'

I discovered that I was not getting what I want because of the limitations I had set on my mind. My self-sabotaging attitude and limiting beliefs about money were hindering me from achieving my financial goals.
You too might probably have one of these common, but dangerous, beliefs about money. Look at the list below and see if you do:
Money is the root of all evil.
Only dishonest people get rich.  /  Only poor people can be trusted.
It takes money to make money.

Unless you have the right connections, you'll never succeed.
The best way to wealth is to get a high paying job and work hard.
You have to get good grades in school in order to succeed.
There's only so much money in the world, and the rich have most of it.

You can only expect to improve your situation a little at a time.

You can either do a good job, or a fast one.  You can't do a good job fast.
If you're rich, you have to worry about everyone taking advantage of you.
Don't spend any more than you have to.  /  Free stuff is as good as stuff you have to pay for.

If you "checked" on one or more of the items above, that could be the reason(s) why you're not earning as much money as you want.
I've met many people in my life who don't want to get rich because they have the wrong and limiting belief that money can either make them more greedy or cause arguments in families. Some even think that it's immoral to be wealthy. How mistaken!
The truth is, money can only magnify whatever qualities you already have. So if you're selfish right now, you could become more selfish. But if you're always lending a helping hand, money could only make you a better person.
In fact, money allows you to contribute more to society. This art of giving to others (and especially if you're being appreciated) can give you much more happiness than any other things in this world.
But that's not all...

For Many, The 'Golden Rule' Means: 
"He (or She) Who Has The Gold Gets To Make The Rules."

There's nothing wrong with having money.  
In fact, when you have plenty of money, most problems go away. 
You don't have to worry about how the bills will be paid, 
or about creditors calling you to collect on insurmountable debts.
If you see something you want, you just buy it -- 
without looking to see if you have enough in your bank account to cover it.
You never have to work at a job you hate. 
Once you have money, it's a lot easier to make even more money.
You can take extended vacations anywhere in the world, as often as you want.
Everyone enjoys being around you because you have the magic touch.
Any health problems get treated by the best medicine money can buy
It is your birthright to live abundantly, so enjoy it.


 - With Peace and Love - Rev.Bola
Peace and Love Rev.Bola